The many offerings of Sayuri Luvixe
Sayuri Luvixe's portfolio of different SFW gposes.
Solo gposes for now. I will update with couple gposes soon.
Also included is examples of my writing skills.
Different glamour shots of ladies.

Different glamour shots of males.

Lore example
Example 1:
The jungles of Golmore rang with the displeased chorus of the jungle’s currents. Sonja winced, knowing and feeling that the reason for the dissonant tones was her. She had decided to leave the jungle behind, and the jungle was not happy to have lost another guardian to the outside world. But….. she let out a weary sigh and listlessly stirred the fallen leaves to her side. All her family had left. She was the only member of her immediate family still here and missed her sisters like a limb. The only choice she had was to leave and find them, wherever they were in the outside world.She left the leaves behind, once again resolved in her choice, and entered her small hut. Picking up her backpack, filled with everything she was taking with her, she ran her eyes along the small place one last time, making sure she had everything she would not want to leave behind. The pots, plates and assorted house items, she would leave for the next occupant, with her blessing. After all, she had made them as her going away present to the village. She hummed a joyful tune as she finally stepped out of the door for the last time. No longer Sonja. She would take the name ‘Hope’ when she finally got to the city-states. Her ears twitched as the tones finally dimmed and she could no longer hear them. Her heart lighter, she waved goodbye to the watching viera and took her first step towards her future.
Example 2:
Fina was born in a small village in the Skatay Mountain Range. As a tiny kit, they fell down a crevice due to the snow being loose and when they were found, they were blue lipped and had almost stopped shivering. When brought back to the village, they were in a coma and could not be woken. When Fina woke up from their years of slumber in their coma, they had become a woman and spoke of a fantastic life spent growing up among tiny little creatures called pixies. Fina was restless and listless after waking, missing her mischievous friends and wanting more than the life she had in her home village. Thus she gathered all her saved gil and left the mountains, intending to travel around the world, looking for the sense of fun she’d left behind.Fina spent the next few years of her life travelling around Eorzea. She explored until she found a career she wanted to settle down and pursue. Fina became a well known designer and photographer, creating beautiful houses for people and taking photos of them as well. She even managed to get her own house, making it into a glamorous venue where she could spend time socializing with the varied people of eorzea and beyond.Yet beyond her work personality (Bubbly and cheeky), Fina is naturally a shy introvert. She takes a lot of work to draw out when not working. She prefers to be with people she loves and is comfortable with . The sweet viera women can also be riled up if you press the right buttons (offend her) and often tends to bite playfully if you do.
RP Example:
The included rp exchange is between my husband Rae and I. We are currently rp'ing the way that our rp selves met and ended up falling in love and getting bonded.
Rae )Clank.A heavy hammer meets the bright red glow of a fiery hot piece of metal.Clank.Each strike sends sparks flying, each hit warping and forming the hot steel.Clank.The blacksmith's sweat forms around his forehead, sliding down only to be absorbed by a piece of cloth wrapped around his head.Clank.One more strike, the smith lifts the piece of metal and inspects it. Satisfied with his work, he walks towards a long wooden pool of oil. In there he dips the glowing steel, quenching it in the liquid and setting it alight. He dips one more time, leaving it in the oil to fully cool down. It's then that one of the screens in his workshop blink, showing him an alert that someone has come into the shop, a customer. Lifting the goggles from his eyes, he sets down his tools and takes off his leather mittens, climbing towards the more hospitable part of his shop."Good afternoon, welcome to the Black Rabbit Smithy! How may I help you?" he greets with his loud, boisterous voice as he reaches the top of the stairs.Sayuri)Having been in Eorzea for around a month, the ex-Geisha now turned explorer named Sayuri Takahashi had found her new obsession. Crafting. To be more specific, she had wandered into the Bismark in Limsa Lominsa and found her calling. She decided to study under the culinarians of Limsa Lominsa and as she was getting to the final stages of her apprenticeship, her mentor suggested getting some pots, pans and various other culinary tools tailor made for herself. He explained to the fascinated viera that having tools made specifically for you meant that your hands and body would be more comfortable and less tired at the end of a long day of cooking.She asked around for the name of a smithy who would have the time and skill to make her a set of Master tools, but all the ones her guild mates knew were booked fully for months. She was sulking, draped over a table in the Drowned Wench when she heard a voice ask her what was wrong. She turned to the small auri female looking at her with curiosity in her eyes and let out a heavy, defeated sigh before unloading her sorry tale to her. After she finished, her eyes widened and she squeaked, hurriedly introducing herself to the other woman, who said her own name was Francesca. She smiled at Sayuri and handed her a small card. Sayuri looked at it with curiosity in her eyes, taking in the plain text on the white card. ‘Black Rabbit Smithy.’ She turned the card over and found only an address listed in the adventurer zone of Ul’dah. She beamed brightly at Francesca and got to her feet. She waved goodbye and dashed over to the lifts, heading toward the airship landing.Yawning as she stumbled off of the airship that had brought her to Ul’dah, Sayuri made her way to the Quicksand and begged Momodi for a bed for the night. The lala chuckled at the stumbling, tired viera, accepted her gil and showed her to a room. The next morning, she spoke to Momodi and got directions to the address on the card. After getting a hand-drawn map from Momodi, Sayuri made her way to the house listed. Taking in the small smithy nestled in a small plot of land. She walked up to the door and knocked on it before noticing a small sign attached to the door. “Please come inside! I’m most likely crafting in the forge, so the door ward will ping me and I shall come up.” Sayuri slowly pushed open the door, walking in and waiting in front of the counter. Looking around, she took in the masterful tools and metal works scattered around on the shelves in display. Hearing a cheery ‘Hallo’ echoing from down below, Sayuri looked toward the doorway, waiting to see the owner of the deep voice.R'aeyon)He stops to take a look at the woman in front of him, a look of surprise flashing across his face once he sees the tall, furry ears that she's sporting. Not dissimilar to the very ones sitting atop his own head. "Hey there, don't see our kind much around these parts," he says as he moves behind the bar and starts preparing refreshments for the both of them. He fiddles with a strange looking device and perfectly shaped cubes of clear ice drop down into two awaiting glasses. He then opens what seems to be a large chest, wafts of cold air leaving the opening, and takes out a bottle full of a bright, red liquid. He opts for something non-alcoholic this time, not knowing if the woman was fond of drink. Setting the two glasses down on top of the bar, the ice clink against the clear glass as he pours them both a glass of the red liquid."It's rolanberry juice. It must've been tiring walking all the way in the desert heat," he slides one of the glasses towards the edge of the bar. "So, need anything made? Repaired?" he asks again as he watches her scan the display pieces he put out for decor, taking a sip of the cold beverage.Sayuri)Sayuri’s ears twitch in her shock as she sees another viera coming up the stairs. She watches him move in stunned silence, having not expected another viera to be the smith she was recommended. Her eyes blinked in silence as he poured ice and juice into cups before handing her one of them. Accepting the cup, she took a sip; enjoying the tart taste of the juice. She leaned against the bar and looked toward the smith before smiling at him. “Well, first of all, hello I’m Sayuri.” She chuckles softly and shakes her head softly before continuing. “I’m looking into getting a set of culinarian tools custom made for myself. A set of pots, pans, frying pans and any other tools needed. I was told that it may be expensive…… but I have the gil. So.” She pauses, taking another sip of the juice. “Would you be willing to take the commission for me?”R'aeyon)One of his eyebrows raise, giving her a curious look. He expected to be making a weapon for her, but bespoke culinarian equipment was also a fun project. He sets his glass down after a big swig, the ice clinking together in a somehow jovial tone. "Would you mind coming down the workshop with me? I have something down there that can measure your hands. It'll make things easier for me so that all the handles are made to fit your grip," he makes his way to the front of the bar, taking a pause as he walks towards the stairs.Sayuri)She listened to the smith, watching him take her request in and she smiled slightly as she saw the thoughts flashing behind his eyes. She tapped the side of her glass, slowly taking another sip as she waited for his reply. She blinked before a frown crossed her lips as he failed to introduce himself yet again. 'Eorzeans' she thought with a sigh and disgusted pout on her lips. "Sure....." She replied and she pushed herself away from the bar she was leaning against before strolling towards the stairs, following him down them.R'aeyon)He makes his way down back to his workshop once she agrees to her hands being measured. He listens to her footsteps hitting the hardwood stairs, not needing to look back to know that she was following him. "You can take a seat over there, I'll be with you shortly," he points at a round metal chair facing what looks to be a glowing table of some kind. The basement workshop looks unlike most workshops one would find in Ul'dah, let alone Eorzea. Aside from the regular tools, and equipment one would normally see, there are what looks to be machinery both Allagan and Garlean in nature. Screens showing numbers and graphs, and glowing blocks and spheres of some unknown metal strangely fit the more mundane crafting equipment that the viera smith uses. A few minutes pass before he comes back with what seems to be a metal cube. He connects cables to the table in front of Sayuri and opens a latch and faces the opening to her. Inside is what appears to be a rod in the middle of an empty box. "Put your right hand inside this doodad, it'll help me measure the length of your palm and fingers. Once I tell you, grip that metal rod inside as hard as you can, that'll give me your grip strength so I'll know how heavy your tools should be. Once that's done, we'll go do the same with your left hand. Any questions before we start?" he instructs her, his voice all business but keeping a polite tone.Sayuri)She stops as the futuristic workshop greets her once she gets far enough down the stairs. Her eyes widened as she took in all the lights before continuing down to sit on the seat he pointed at. Smoothing down her skirt, she settles into the seat and watches as he brings over the strange looking device. When he says 'Doodad' she snorts inelegantly, her hand flying to cover her mouth as she starts laughing. "Pffft..... ahahahahaha. Doodad. Is that an official term for a device?"R'aeyon)"It's official enough for me. Most of these things I made myself, so you'd never really find any other smiths using it. They're either too afraid to dabble in Allag tech, or too prejudiced to use Garlean machinery. Personally, I don't really care where the tech comes from, I find more importance in what one uses the tech for. I use mine for creation, so that's enough for me. Plus, if I didn't make use of both kinds of tech, I would've stayed having only one arm," he grins at her and pulls up the sleeve of his left arm, revealing what appears to be a fully metallic, robot arm. He removes his gloves, showing off the articulate steel fingers, as dexterous if not more than their fleshy counterparts. He gives her a few seconds to examine his steel limb before going back to focus on scanning her hands."Do you have any adverse reactions to specific metals? If you don't know, I have some samples I can have you touch. There's a couple of kinds of metal I can use for your tools, all of them light but durable," he informs her after finishing the scans. A visual of her hands then appear on the table she's sitting in front of, each part of her hands labled with what looks to be different measurements.Sayuri)She hums in interest as he tells her all about the whys and wherefores of his tech useage. She runs her fingers along the steel of his arm, curiousity flashing in her eyes as she taps on the fingers, making them flex as she softly giggles. She listens to him further before humming to herself, the non-in-the-doodad hand's index finger tapping against her lower lip as she thinks. "Well, I really want these to last for decades. And my mother always spoke fondly of her cast iron pots and pans. So would the pots and pans at least be able to be cast iron? For the other various tools, I suppose lighter metals would be best."She stills for a minute before sighing softly and continuing. "Maybe if this set comes out just right, I might work with you on a tessan for everyday use. The one I was given for graduation is a little too........ flashy for everyday use. It's more for dance recitals and performances."R'aeyon)"I've heard other culinarians say that copper is great for cooking as well, says it keeps heat well. Plus, they're not as heavy as cast iron, and will last you a while as well as long as you do proper maintenance of it. You'd probably need a set of them, so I'll make a few from both materials," he adds on, giving her extra suggestions to help her with her craft. "As for the knives and other tools, I'll use carbon steel. Carbon steel is nice and tough, but if you leave it wet it's very much easy to rust. Like, few minutes and it'll rust. The good thing though is that more usage means it'll develop something called a patina. It's a coating that will prevent rust. You'll get this from regular use, especially if you cut acidic ingredients. Just make sure to keep your knives dry and they'll never see a speck of rust on them," he starts explaining, doing his best to give her a more layman explanation."I've made a few tessans before, I'm guessing you're from Hingashi then? Or at least have done perfomances from there?" he asks as he manipulates the image of her hand on the table from what looks to be a set of holographic buttons and dials.Sayuri)Sayuri nods along with the explanations about metal, most of it flying over her head, but she brightens when he starts talking about tessans. "Yes! I was a geisha for many, many years before I left and became an adventurer. I have had a few......... encounters with some ruffians, and I'd prefer having a proper tessan on hand so I can protect myself from unsavoury types. I can get the proper silk for the fan itself, but the design and metal I would leave in your hands."R'aeyon)"I'm not a stranger to adventuring, myself. Few people live as long as I do without knowing how to fend for themselves. Fewer still continue to make a living after losing an entire arm," he does a few more clicks and twists on his machine, making the hand move as if it's using knives and holding pots and pans. A few holographic bars move up and down, and to the untrained eye it seems like he's just winging it, but to him everything makes sense. He looks at the numbers being projected and nods, satisfied with the inputs. He presses a large button and what appears to be blueprints of tools become visible beside the holographic hands. Satisfied for now, he turns his full attention back to Sayuri."Well, that's your measurements done. Your entire order would take about a month to finish, since I have to source the materials myself. Is there anything else I might be able to help you with?" he focuses his eyes back on her, still on full business mode but adapts a more relaxed posture. He studies her look, admiring her beauty without being strange about it. It's been a while since he's had an actual customer come by for an order, mostly seeing retainers or servants. Maybe I should actually advertise this smithy, instead of it being spread via invitation or word of mouth. But that'll mean I'll get too much work, and too much work means less attention to each piece. Nah, I'll keep it more private for now, I'm not wanting for gil that much anyway, he thinks to himself as he tilts his head, keeping eye contact with Sayuri.Sayuri)She hums as she watches the blueprints appear in the air beside the 'doodad' and she nods at the length of time given, before she snaps her fingers. "Ah! If you need help sourcing the materials, I can always hire a few gatherers to help. I have actually made a few contacts within the gatherer guilds as I tend to source various ingredients from them." A soft red blush spreads across her cheeks as her eyes lower a little in guilt. "I do admit........ I have exacting standards so i tend to refuse items if their quality isn't up to my standards. But I always pay extremely well, so my contacts put up with my diva behaviour."She giggles softly before looking at the smith as he settles down and relaxes slightly. Her ears twitch slightly as she catches the glances, very used to males admiring her beauty. She reaches into the sleeve of her kimono, pulling out a small fan and snapping it open to fan it in front of her face with a small, coy smile.R'aeyon)He keeps looking her over, not one to shy away from admiring a beautiful person. From the little she's told, he figures she's an entertainer of sorts if she does performances with a fan. He's seen a couple of those performances back when he stayed in Kugane for a few years."Oh, you won't see me disagreeing with that. I don't use any mediocre materials, myself, even if I'm the one who mined them. And they don't go to waste since there's always a buyer, even for the regular quality stuff. Plus, there are other uses for the low quality materials. So as long as your contractors are being compensated well, you're free to accept, and not accept, their work based on your specific preferences."Sayuri)She laughs softly and nods, her eyes twinkling merrily over her fan. "Indeed. After all, I have the gil and I can always source other people who will provide what I want how I want it. Quality is important, after all. The parts that make up the whole make the whole what it is."She folds her fan with a soft click and smoothly stands before strolling over to the smith who STILL has not named himself. Her head tilts towards him and she taps the table next to the set down device. "So, shall we discuss terms and fees then? And do you have a preferred contract or shall we work one out together?"
R'aeyon)"I have a contract ready-made for most clients I have, but I'm open to changing terms that will suit both our needs. Let's head back upstairs so we can discuss it in a more comfortable space," he takes one more look at the measurements and blueprints currently displayed on the table, makes a few more button presses and nods in satisfaction. He starts walking back upstairs, checking the sound of her footsteps to see if she's following. He starts walking in a more normal pace once he hears the tapping of her shoes on the hardwood again."Take a seat by the fire, I'll pull up the ready made contract for you to read," he gestures towards a more comfortable looking armchair than the stools by the bar and walks towards one of the counters. Riffing through some files, it doesn't take him long to produce what he was looking for. He sets down the files in front of her, as well as a quill and a bottle of ink. The contract states prices and work dates. Near the bottom is a blank line labeled "Client's Name" next to an already written name, R'aeyon Luvixe, labled as owner and crafter. "Let me know if there's any changes to the terms you might want to be added or removed. If not, simply sign your name on the blank space at the bottom."Sayuri)Sayuri takes a seat on the armchair and accepts the papers that are handed to her. She looks at him as he speaks and gives a soft smile as she nods. “I shall make sure to thoroughly go over this and take notes of any changes.” She withdraws a small notebook from her pocket and places next to the small pile of papers and opens it to a blank page before taking up the quill in one hand and beginning to read, her eyes darting from side to side as she does. From time to time, the soft scratch of quill on paper softly echoes around the room and from time to time her voice can be heard sounding out a word before muttering what sounds like japanese before a soft aha is heard.”Mister R’aeyon? I believe I have finished reading the contract and there was only a few terms I wanted to modify a little based on our discussions beforehand.” She taps her finger on the notebook before offering it to him for him to read. “It’s just the offer for me to hire more people for gathering resources and supplying the manpower you need if needed. Please give it a read and see if these terms are fair to you and you would approve them being inserted into the contract?”R'aeyon)He peruses the added terms, nods at them, mostly agreeing with the terms she added. He himself added one stipulation tho, that he has free reign to deny whatever materials her contractors gave him so long as it didn't pass his quality standards. He was mostly confident that she herself would hire contractors who actually know their stuff, but being thorough in his inspection was always how he did things and it wasn't about to change today. He hands her back the paper, pointing out his own added term. "Come back tomorrow morning, I'll have a counselor come by to make this contract official. Will have them draft a much cleaner version as well. After that you can come by whenever you want to check on my work, just don't expect major changes to happen if come by everyday. Sounds good?"Sayuri)She accpted the notebook back and read the added clause, giving a soft laugh as she did. “I do agree, but as I told you, my contractors are used to my exacting standards. They know that I pay well for the highest quality goods.” A teasing glint appeared in her eyes as she said the last sentence before she gave a nod to the bunny smith and stood. Placing the notebook next to his printed contract she gave a soft smile to him. “Please, keep the notebook so the counselor can reference our changed term and add it to the prepared contract. And of course, I would never check in every day!” She shook her head in disgust as she tapped the table with her nails“People like that are …….. more than uncouth. Micro-management never works well. You need to trust that the other person will do what you need them to do.” She looked at R’aeyon before continuing “I might check in once a week, just to make sure things are progressing well, both for you and with the contractors I hire. I would like to know if their goods quality is to your standards, after all.” She opened a card holder, withdrawing one with a small flourish and set it next to the contract. “Here. My details, including my linkpearl code if you need to contact me and my current address in Limsa. I’m renting an apartment there as I learn before I move back to my home in Kugane to use as my base for my adventures.”She turned, as if to leave, but paused and spoke, her head turned back towards R’aeyon. “Oh. And in the future; and please do not take this as an insult, but as a chance to learn for future Hingan clients…….” She paused for a second and then continued “It is polite to introduce yourself as soon as possible so that your partner in the conversation knows your name. I know this is not the way Eorzeans do it…. but it will help you with Hingan clients for who politeness is a central part of our cultural persona.”